Publications Publications
Viva la musica – the cooperation project starts with the 25. Saxon Mozart Festival
„Viva la musica – the culture in our partner towns Chemnitz — Ústí nad Labem and their regions” is the name of the new cooperation project between the Saxon Mozart Company e.V., the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem and the Elementary Art School Chomutov. The project is being financed by the European Union within the Free State Saxony — the Czech Republic 2014-2020 cooperation program. This support makes possible the happening and expansion of many cooperation projects. Another projects like the European Summer Philharmonic and Summer Choir, Hubert’s Mass at the Augustusburg castle and in Klášterec nad Ohří, the choir competition “Jirkovský Písňovar”, Amadeus’ friendly get-together in occasion of his birthday might be also expanded in 2016-2018, and the Living Advent Calendar may expand from Chemnitz and Zschopau to Ústí nad Labem.
Publications 2018

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Publications 2017:

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- Flyer Ankündigungsheft Sächsisches Mozartfest 2017
- Flyer Programm Sächsisches Mozartfest 2017
- Flyer Sommphilharmonie 2017
- Handout Sommerphilharmonie 2017
- Flyer Hubertusmesse 2017
- Flyer Benefizkonzert 2017
- Flyer Lebendiger Adventskalender 2017
Publications 2016:

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